4th of July: Yogurt “Ice Cream” Pops
There is nothing more Patriotic then RED, WHITE, and BLUE! Even if you are talking about Ice Cream!
However, making Ice Cream is not really my forte’. Even though I am a self proclaimed lover of gadgets, the one thing I do not have is an Ice Cream Maker. *Have to put that one on my list!
A couple of Saturdays ago, I was watching my cooking shows and one had a recipe for Strawberry Yogurt Ice Cream Pops! I thought to myself, “That would be an AWESOME idea for July 4th!”
So with some tweaking here and there, I had it!
I just took some strawberries and mixed with some sugar and a splash of vanilla. *Not to worry! Recipe will follow! 😉
Allow to sit for 15-20 minutes.
Then, I took 1 1/2 cups blueberries.
Mixed with a 1/2 cup of regular Yogurt. (I generally eat Greek Yogurt, but for this, I used regular. The Greek is just to sour.)
Then, I tried it and realized it needed a little dash of sugar for the kids to like it. I would have been fine without it. But I did it anyway.
Then, I cleaned out the blender and repeated the same steps with the Strawberries. Since I already added sugar and vanilla to this, I just blended with another 1/2 cup of Yogurt.
Time to assemble the Pops!
I bought the molds for $1.50 each at Walmart.
I layered everything in a Red, White, and Blue pattern. Strawberry Mixture, a little regular Yogurt, then Blueberry Mixture.
Insert tops! By the way, I love these! They have a little sipper on the ends for anything that melts.
One lick ……….
And little babies everywhere are SUPER HAPPY! Who doesn’t love that?
RECIPE: 4th of July Yogurt “Ice Cream” Pops
– 1 Cup Fresh Strawberries, Sliced
– 1/4 Cup Sugar
– 1 1/2 Cups Fresh Blueberries
– Tbsp. Sugar
– 1 Tsp. Vanilla Extract
– 1 Cup Plain Yogurt, Divided plus Additional for Layering Pops
– 2 (4 count) Ice Cream Molds
– Combine Strawberries, 1/4 Cup of Sugar, and 1 Teaspoon Vanilla. Set aside for 15-20 minutes.
– Meanwhile, combine Blueberries, 1 Tbsp. Sugar, and 1/2 cup Yogurt in a blender and blend until smooth. Set aside.
– Rinse out Blender and add Strawberries and remaining 1/2 cup Yogurt. Blend until smooth and set aside.
– Take Ice Cream molds and layer a small amount of Strawberry mixture, then a little Regular Yogurt, and then top off with Blueberry Mixture. If you still have room, start to repeat layers in a Red, White, Blue pattern.
– Top molds with tops and place in the freezer for atleast 4 hours or until firm.
Superhero Themed Boy’s Room
(*Lighting was not on my side this day for picture taking, but oh well…..)
Little Boys! Ahh….. I just love it!
You know, when we were starting to have our Babies, with the first being a girl, then the next being a girl……..
We basically got into a mindset that we were just meant to have little girls, and we were fine with that. In fact, we got to the point where we thought it would just be odd if we DID end up having a boy.
Flash forward a few more years and SURPRISE! Esther! You have a baby boy! He is 4 yrs. old and a big ole pot of CRAZY!
His loves are first and foremost, his MOMMA! Then his blankie, and then SUPERHEROES!
I have to admit that I absolutely love this! His room is very Superheros meets Andy’s Room from Toy Story.
When deciding on a color scheme, I felt that it had to be no other than blue and red, with touches of green.
We had to have a section for his ball caps too! By the way, his collection is very much influenced by his Daddy……….. hence the Yankees caps! 😀
No Superhero room would be complete without a BOOM! sign. I couldn’t find a POW! one, so I have a sweet friend that is going to paint one for me instead.
The wall’s paint color is called November Skies, by Benjamin Moore.
I’m sure by the time we are finished, we will have a huge wall full of Superheroes to watch over my sleeping baby boy at night.
Thankfully, the toys haven’t gotten out of control just yet. I found that cool metal cage at Homegoods and attached it to the wall for shoe storage.
I really heart that little boy! He truly is “OuR LiTTle SuPeRHeRo!”
Sources for items in the room:
Boat Picture over bed – Homegoods
BOOM! Sign – Homegoods
Our Little Superhero – Homegoods
Batman Lunchbox – Old Navy
Red Curtains – Target
Red and Blue Toy Boxes with Chalkboard Fronts – Homegoods
*If there is anything I missed in the room and you would like to know where it was bought, leave a comment and I’ll let you know! 🙂
Happy Decorating!
Family Behavior System
I kind of did a little freak out when Summer first started. Obviously, I love my little babies, but I’m not gonna lie! Towards the end of the school year, they all started to get these little attitudes where they just thought that they could say whatever they wanted, act however they wanted, and be as nasty to eachother as they wanted. It was starting to get really bad, so I did what any other mother would do…….. I turned to the BUS STOP!
You can find a lot of things out at the Bus Stop!
I had heard the word on the street was Behavior Coupons. Basically, the kids got rewarded for showing good behavior. That was alright, I thought. But I needed something a little more.
I had some pretty good ideas, but no real structure. If I went with the coupon idea, I would have to make them. That was fine! I would just go to the nearest craft store for my supplies, right? Well, let me tell you a little about my experience with craft stores. I love them! I really do! The only problem is I go in there and see all these different cool things, buy them, then end up spending $100, come home and have a huge haze over my eyes and try to remember what my original idea was for going to the store in the first place. I look around at what I bought and have a million different things that have nothing to do with eachother. Needless to say, it all ends up in a closet somewhere, never to be heard from again. That reminds me, I need to clean my closets out……
I found it!
The HOLY GRAIL of Behavior Systems!
It’s called Family Do Dots!
It’s so great! It incorporates Behavior, Responsibilities, Rewards….. The best thing is, you can tailor it to your family’s specific situation. I think this is so important because no two families are alike.
Another thing that is great, is that they include the Whole Family ! Of course, you don’t have to do this, but we thought it was important so that we weren’t singling out just the kids. They make a point to also take things that the children need improvement on, like not hitting or not talking back, and they turn it into a positive thing. They say things like “Nice Hands” or “Nice Words” instead. I LOVE THAT!
It all originated when a sweet couple in Utah, decided to make their own system for their family. After a while, their friends and family were asking them to make them. They started to think that maybe they had something special and before they knew it, Family Do Dots was a business! I am so happy they decided to make them because it has been night and day for my family!
The kids start out on what they call Level One, every morning. They have certain things they have to complete before they can get on Level Two, which is where they have their privileges. These can be things like watching TV or playing with their electronic devices or anything they really like to do. *Sidebar: I have been a little lenient with this since it is Summer. I let them watch a little TV first thing in the morning, but then make them do their Responsibilities on Level One. Once the kids have completed these things, they can “flip their magnet”. This is so much fun for them, because it gives them a sense of accomplishment! I just love it!
Basically, once the kids get on Level Two, they can get Rewards. These come in the form of Tickets, which the company provides for you. They provide everything you need! At the end of every week, we open our “Family Store”, which has all kinds of goodies, toys (etc.). FYI: These do not have to be expensive. You can go to the dollar store if you want.
The kids take the tickets that they have earned over the course of the week and one by one, go to the Family Store and purchase things with their tickets that they have earned all by themselves just for doing what is expected of them and being good.
I could go on and on about all the great things with this system, but I’m even starting to bore myself here. LOL! Please go to their site and check them out! For less than the price of what I would have spent on my “Craft Store Idea”, I had a full system with access to continued online support and ideas for my family.
Here is another look at the the whole board.
*Keep in mind that this is only what it looks like first thing in the morning. It becomes very colorful once the kids start flipping their magnets…… and Mom and Dad’s too! 😉
DISCLAIMER: I am not working with Family Do Dots. I bought my system just like everyone else. I just feel so strongly about this system because it has really helped my family. 🙂
Herbed Compound Butter
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Herbed Compound Butter!……………….
You mean, you haven’t heard of it? “Why, I declare!”
Look! Compound Butter is just a fancy shmancy way of saying Butter with Stuff in it! And since we try not to be too fancy shmancy around here, that’s what we will call it.
Well, let me just tell you. The other night, I started off with the idea of making some for the grilled corn we were making for dinner. Then, as we started to sit down and eat, I remembered that I had seen an episode once on Foodnetwork where someone put it on their steak!
Since we just so happened to be having steak with that corn, I decided to give it a try. LAWRDY, Y’ALL!
You will die and go to heaven when you try it! It’s a MUST! Not sure I will ever have steak another way again! (*It was that good!)
Pretty sure after you try it, you’ll feel the same way. Plus, you aren’t going to believe how easy it is!
First, take some herbs. Anything you like. I chose to do Parsley and Rosemary.
Finely Chop…….
Add that to a softened stick of butter.
Mix well…. (*Now, most would put this in plastic wrap, form into a log, and place in the fridge to set up. After that, you can slice it like you would cookie batter and put on whatever you like.)
Me? I just put the bowl into the fridge for about 5 minutes and then just spooned it over whatever I wanted. LOL! *Patience is NOT a virtue of mine.
By the way, it’s just as good either way! 😉
Slather all over some fresh grilled corn AND a grilled steak! Oh my! Oh my!
You will NOT be disappointed!
Recipe: Herbed Compound Butter
– 1 Stick Butter
– 2 Tablespoons Parsley, Chopped
– 2 Tablespoons Rosemary, Chopped
– Combine all ingredients and place in plastic wrap. Form into a “log”. Place in fridge for 1 hour . Cut butter into slices and place on top of vegetables, meats, casseroles……. the possibilities are endless!
– If you dont want to do any of this, just place bowl into fridge for 5-10 minutes and serve as you wish.

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