About Babies & Biscuits
Hi, my name is Esther.
Babies and Biscuits is the result of an INTENSE love affair with all things Southern, that I have had my entire life. Not hard to accomplish when you are from a southern state. (North Carolina to be exact).
I’m a “stay at home mom” to our three children. Not sure why exactly it is referred to as stay at home because I do everything BUT stay at home. In between sitting in carpool lines, running errands, potty training, and helping my husband with his painting business, I like to cook, bake, decorate, and hide in bathroom showers until the noise in my house subsides.
This is my funny husband. I call him Z.
I met my husband in a pool hall. My parents were proud.
We got married two years later. Had our first daughter two years after that. Had our second daughter two years after that. See a pattern? Things werent crazy enough, so we dicided to shake it up a bit and have a baby boy three years after that.
Life in our house is LOUD! Very LOUD! Lucky for me, I have selective hearing. Unlucky for me, is that sometimes my hearing selects not to hear my husband, but I digress.
These are our Babies.
Aren’t they cute? Watch out. The little one spits!
This is our new
Nanny Helga dog Buster. (Poor thing!) *I can’t wait to see what he looks like for Halloween!*
In my Ramblings section, I talk about whatever is going on in this brain of mine at the moment, or whatever crazy occurrence happened that day. Having three kids means never having a dull moment around here.
I love food! Who doesnt, right? Most importantly, I love Southern Food! I mean, come on, I DO live in the South. I’m firmly rooted in it and that doesn’t bother me a bit.
We always went to my grandma’s house for Sunday dinners and I remember her banana pudding and fried chicken and how it was understood that that was always part of the menu. I’ll share old family recipes and new ones. From time to time, I’ll even use a cookbook. GASP!
Let’s be honest, Southern food doesn’t always get a great reputation when it comes to the healthy department. That’s why I always try to do the lightest version of whatever I’m cooking, without sacrificing the taste.
However, there are just some recipes, that out of pure respect for their deliciousness, need not be meddled with. BISCUITS being a fine example of this, but we’ll get into that later.
My daddy will be the first one to tell you, “If it don’t taste good, I ain’t gonna eat it! ”
This is my kitchen, where all the craziness happens.
(It doesn’t usually look this clean)
I love to find unexpected great things. From the latest paint colors for those bare walls, to cool kitchen gadgets, to funky earrings. I’m always trying to rearrange and redecorate my house. I love it all! Clothes, projects for my kids…… (anything to keep them busy!)
I’ll share some of my favorites with you, which I hope y’all will love.
So please sit back. Maybe go and get you a glass of sweet tea and a buttered biscuit…… with jam….. or bacon…. or gravy ….. or ham……. sorry.
I hope you will laugh WITH me or AT me (either way, just laugh) , get inspired with me, or just EAT alongside me.
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