Reconnecting with Old Friends………. AND A FREE GIVEAWAY!
You know I love you, right?
Well, because I love you and I care about the way you look, I’m going to share a great find with you!
But before I do that, I just want to say I love reconnecting with old friends. I especially love reconnecting with old friends and finding out that they have an Etsy Shop!
Even more than that…. (get to it Esther!)….. I love finding out that their Etsy Shop has tons of things in it that I, myself would use. So, I know you will too!
And your sister and your mom and your mom’s sister! 😉
Look at these adorable headbands! Liz has been making them for a while and just recently decided to start her shop so she could share her cute designs with everyone else. You can check out Liz’s shop, at Your Mane Squeeze. If you don’t see something there you like, she can do custom orders as well.
It was so hard to choose a favorite.
This is probably the only time you will catch me taking “selfies” of myself! It feels very awkward! LOL! I just had to let you see them on though. I love the cute look this pink one gives. They have a “No-Slip” interior fabric that allows them to stay in place and they REALLY DO!
Or the Retro Vibe this one gives off. I have a passion for polka-dots!
My oldest loves them too! She has wanted to wear them to school all week!
I absolutely LOVE this Chevron pattern. See! Told you! Can’t pick a favorite.
She loves them just as much as I do!
I hope she understands that all of these DO NOT belong to her!
Now, remember how much I love YOU? Well, I have some FANTASTIC NEWS!
I am going to pick one lucky reader and give them a FREE HEADBAND of their choice!
Just go to Babies & Biscuits Facebook page and leave a comment of this post. Tell me your favorite Halloween Candy! Tomorrow morning at 10am, I’ll put everyone’s name who commented into a hat and draw one name at random!
I don’t want you to miss out on the opportunity to win one of Your Mane Squeeze’s Headbands, so if you haven’t already done so, go to my Facebook page and make sure you “Like” the page so you don’t miss any updates on the Giveaway!
Because Liz loves you just as much as I do, she has lovingly agreed to give a sweet little discount to all of Babies & Biscuits’ Readers!!!
For Today through Sunday only, she will be offering FREE SHIPPING on all orders! Her headbands move FAST, so make sure you get the one you want NOW!
Just enter BabiesandBiscuits into the coupon code for your free shipping! Please make sure you do not use any spaces and please be sure to also note whether it is for an adult or a child, as she can make them smaller for children.
*Liz has new fabric coming in all the time, so make sure to check back often as her inventory grows!
Spring Style
Having a conversation this morning with a friend made me think of High School.
I remember it was always a game of who spent MORE and the MOST on their look. Be it shoes, pants, tops……
As a parent and adult, I now see how stupid and crazy we all were. LOL! As a parent and adult, it literally scares the hibigeebees out of my wallet that I have 2 girls who will one day very soon (sooner than I would like) be entering that same type of High School where I hope that same game is no longer played. (One can dream, right?)
As adults, instead of bragging about who spent the most for stuff, we are (first of all) embarrassed if we had to, and now only boast about who got the best deal! I like this game much better.
That’s right you crazy kids! It is COOL to get things on the cheap!
So, I thought in honor of Spring and in honor of the fact that I knew there was a reason I didn’t care for High School (LOL!) , I thought I would share some of my favorite clothing deals going on right now!
Cute Jersey Top from Old Navy on sale right now for only $7.00.
Fun Boyfriend Shorts also at Old Navy for $24.94.
Pair it with a fun pair of Converse in Beach Glass for only $29.99 plus free shipping at the Website, 6pm. *Sale ends tomorrow night at 11:59pm, so hurry!
Love this Ruffled Tank from Forever 21 for only $14.80.
Pair it with this pair of Striped Khakis from Gap for $49.95.
I know this may seem like I am trying to give free advertising to Old Navy, but trust me on this top. I had a version of this when I was pregnant and I loved it! After I had my babies, I did the whole “I’m going to just wear my maternity clothes forever thing” , but even though it was considered maternity, it still looked good! I searched high and low for a regular non pregnant version of this and didn’t have any luck.
This top is SOOOOOO forgiving and flattering. Let’s be honest, we all want a top like that, right? It has ruching on the bust area that always works for a great look! Wanna know the best part???? HuH? It’s only $10! Some colors are even as low as $7! Check it out here, but please leave some for me! : )
Even if you don’t shop at Forever 21, they have some really cute jewelry and hair accessories you should check out for CHEAP prices!
This Pearled Headband and Hair Bow are only $2.80. FYI: I get a lot of my little girl’s hairbows from here and we even share them.
I hope this gives you a few ideas to get you started on your Spring look ideas!
Let me know what you think and if you see any more deals, share them with me!
A Present from my Sister: Crocheted Scarf
Let me just tell you about my sister.
She got TALENT!
Like the kind of talent that is given to the first child (her) and skips over the second child (me).
I always wanted to be gifted at things like sewing and knitting and crocheting, but ALAS….. I AM NOT.
My sissy on the other hand ………… IS!
So, you can imagine my jealousy excitement when she made my mom a scarf one afternoon. Yes! I said “one afternoon”! Hate LOVE HER!
Now, you can imagine my EXTREME EXCITEMENT when she said she was going to make me one!
No, honestly, all joking aside, I really love my sissy. She is VERY talented and I love her even more for it.
Here is a pic of the scarf she crocheted me. I just love it! It is SUPER warm and beautiful!
My mom tried to take a pic of me with it on. I put makeup on so I wouldn’t scare anyone.
Only problem with your mom taking pics of you…………
is you get “light boogers”. Yup! I said it….. BOOGERS!
Let’s try this again…………..
Much better!
Here are some tutus and leotards she made for my girls that we used for our family pics on the beach one summer. I told you! Talented!!!
Photo courtesy of : Adele Lee Photography
I started to think about other outfits I could wear with the scarf she made me. AND because I was so FULL of energy to try them all on…….
I decided it would be much better to hang them on my dining room chair instead.
I think layering different shades of one color is so pretty. Kind of a Blue on Blue on Blue kind of thing. (Not to be worn on a rainy day.)
You could always go a little rugged with some cowboy boots and florals. I love this look. So relaxed, but still so feminine.
Or, you could alway dress it up with a little lace and silver dangles.
I’m SOOO happy my sister decided to make me one of these scarfs! If you want, she can make you one too! Make sure you check out her Etsy shop here.
Fun Christmas Presents: (Boot Jewelry)
I was in my local western store the other day and as I was checking out at the counter, I spotted a pair of boots with a piece of jewelry on them!
Now maybe I’m a little late at this, but I thought that was the COOLEST THING I had ever seen!
I mean, why didn’t I think of this?
Everybody knows I love to wear my boots.
Let’s be honest, sometimes those boots need a little sprucing up!
They had different styles.
They even had some rhinestone ones, but this one caught my eye the most.
It even looked good on my flashier boots.
I think the best part is that you can wear it with either a plain or a dressier outfit.
It would be great for when you wear your boots with a sundress!
I also picked this up while I was there.
Girls! Listen up!
Y’all need one of these handy things for when someone else isn’t around to help you!
It is hard enough sometimes to get those darn things off WITH someone’s help.
You know, you know what I’m talking about.
Watch and learn:
Step on…..
Insert foot…..
Pull foot out!
OMG! Do you realize how much this has changed my LIFE????!!!!????????
Better diagram of how footing is.
(I probably could have done this to begin with, but that just wouldn’t be me)
I caution you, however!
You will hurt yourself.
Let’s recap:
“Boot Jewelry”!!!
Christmas Present!
Got at my local Western Store, Wild West.
$19.99 each
Wooden Boot Jack
$9.50 each
P.S. I also tried these with my regular fashion boots and I think they looked good too.
Now go do more Christmas Shopping!

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