A Present from my Sister: Crocheted Scarf
Let me just tell you about my sister.
She got TALENT!
Like the kind of talent that is given to the first child (her) and skips over the second child (me).
I always wanted to be gifted at things like sewing and knitting and crocheting, but ALAS….. I AM NOT.
My sissy on the other hand ………… IS!
So, you can imagine my jealousy excitement when she made my mom a scarf one afternoon. Yes! I said “one afternoon”! Hate LOVE HER!
Now, you can imagine my EXTREME EXCITEMENT when she said she was going to make me one!
No, honestly, all joking aside, I really love my sissy. She is VERY talented and I love her even more for it.
Here is a pic of the scarf she crocheted me. I just love it! It is SUPER warm and beautiful!
My mom tried to take a pic of me with it on. I put makeup on so I wouldn’t scare anyone.
Only problem with your mom taking pics of you…………
is you get “light boogers”. Yup! I said it….. BOOGERS!
Let’s try this again…………..
Much better!
Here are some tutus and leotards she made for my girls that we used for our family pics on the beach one summer. I told you! Talented!!!
Photo courtesy of : Adele Lee Photography
I started to think about other outfits I could wear with the scarf she made me. AND because I was so FULL of energy to try them all on…….
I decided it would be much better to hang them on my dining room chair instead.
I think layering different shades of one color is so pretty. Kind of a Blue on Blue on Blue kind of thing. (Not to be worn on a rainy day.)
You could always go a little rugged with some cowboy boots and florals. I love this look. So relaxed, but still so feminine.
Or, you could alway dress it up with a little lace and silver dangles.
I’m SOOO happy my sister decided to make me one of these scarfs! If you want, she can make you one too! Make sure you check out her Etsy shop here.

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