can be good. Change can be very good.
For instance: My husband is very glad we changed from cable to satellite so that he can finally get his NFL Sunday ticket……
(This is how NFL Sunday tickets make him feel.)
Change, however, can make you tired. (Like in my case)
(This is exactly how I feel). Moving has definitely kicked my toosh! › Continue reading
Z’s Yummy to my Tummy Ribs!
Let me just start by saying we love RIBS! We are definitely in the “carnivore” family. I tried it once….. LITERALLY ONCE in the “herbivore” family and I think it lasted all of 24 hours and that is stretching it.
I have nothing against Vegetarians. In fact, I eat A LOT of veggies, but I just can’t cut out meat.
So! I find it only fitting to showcase, what I like to call my hubby’s “Yummy to my Tummy Ribs”!
I feel like they are perfect for a Southern Cookout!
I really love these things!
He tries to give me all the credit, but the truth is….. I PREP…… HE COOKS!
Here is what WE do:
Take a pack of baby back ribs. I shop at Sam’s Club a lot, so I always find a pack of 3 slabs there. › Continue reading
New house Kitchen/Family Room Design
So, we are going to be moving in the next few weeks and I am very excited!
So excited, that I am already trying to decorate my house. You know, the one I haven’t even moved into yet. I’m doing that because that is the kind of stuff I do.
I decorate it in my head and then REdecorate it again and again and again.
However, I am having somewhat of a problem. I have decorated a certain way in my “now” kitchen and I’m thinking about changing it up in my “new” one.
Here is my “NOW” kitchen photo:
While I have loved this color scheme, the new kitchen has a darker wood color. I’m not in love with it, so I’m thinking about putting my “painter” hubby to work and have him paint the cabinets. › Continue reading
Christmas in July!
It has been hot here as of lately. I mean really HOT! However, I realize I am not telling you anything new that you haven’t discovered yourself.
If you live pretty much anywhere in the United States, it is probably unbearably hot right now.
I thought to myself…… “How can I make these Crazy Hot Dog Days of Summer Better?”
Then all of a sudden I heard a voice….. (*don’t worry, I’m not crazy)
The voice said, “Then he puzzled and puzzled till his puzzler was sore. Then the grinch thought of something he hadn’t before!”
Then I heard Jingle Bells and White Christmas and Rockin Around the Christmas tree! (Ok, so maybe I’m a little Crazy.)
REGARDLESS! It was going to be Christmas at the Zimmerman’s that night!
First, we had to make cookies. › Continue reading

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