Kid Approved
Sweet Tea Biscuits
My next entry for “Sweet Tea Week” is none other than a tribute to this sites namesake. Well part of it.
It’s no secret that I love biscuits. Hence, one of my previous blogpost about, you guessed it! Buttermilk Biscuits. Here is a link to it in case you missed it before: . I have already proclaimed this at the top of my lungs and will continue to FOR – E- VER! (Remember that part in the movie, “The Sandlot”? Where Squints tells the story and he says,”FOR-E-VER”!) ????? That is the kind of forever I mean.
Anyway, moving on…..
I wanted to do a biscuit, but REALLY wanted to incorporate Sweet Tea somehow. I decided to use Paula Deen’s Buttermilk Yeast Biscuits as a base and then I tweaked it.
SO! This is what I did:
I must say, they turned out pretty nice.
First, I boiled 1 cup water and then added 3 Family Size tea bags. › Continue reading
Sweet Tea
You know I had to do it.
The only appropriate thing to do when you do a week about sweet tea, is actually START with Sweet Tea!
I have tried a bunch of different versions. Be it restaurants. Be it grandma’s. Be it mom’s. You get the picture.
One thing I have figured out, is that I don’t really like my sweet tea………. well TOO sweet.
I mean, let’s be honest. Sometimes, you come across some that are so sweet, it is literally like drinking a glass of syrup. › Continue reading
Z’s Yummy to my Tummy Ribs!
Let me just start by saying we love RIBS! We are definitely in the “carnivore” family. I tried it once….. LITERALLY ONCE in the “herbivore” family and I think it lasted all of 24 hours and that is stretching it.
I have nothing against Vegetarians. In fact, I eat A LOT of veggies, but I just can’t cut out meat.
So! I find it only fitting to showcase, what I like to call my hubby’s “Yummy to my Tummy Ribs”!
I feel like they are perfect for a Southern Cookout!
I really love these things!
He tries to give me all the credit, but the truth is….. I PREP…… HE COOKS!
Here is what WE do:
Take a pack of baby back ribs. I shop at Sam’s Club a lot, so I always find a pack of 3 slabs there. › Continue reading
Buttermilk Quick Biscuits
It’s no secret that I like LOVE biscuits.
I have loved them for as long as I can remember. In fact, if I were in a prison that only offered biscuits and water, I would be good! Yes! I know, it’s supposed to be bread and water, but this is my blog post and I say it’s BISCUITS!
My mom taught me how to make these. This is how she always makes her biscuits. Somehow hers always seem to be better, but I guess everything is better at mom’s, right?
These little babies are not the pretty little things you get when you go to a restaurant. That is for another blog post.
However, these are the yummy little things you get when you have a hankering for some biscuits in a flash!
Only 3 ingredients! Now who doesn’t love that?
Here is what I did:
First, I sifted 2 cups of Self-Rising flour into what I like to call my “biscuit making bowl”. › Continue reading

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