4th of July: Yogurt “Ice Cream” Pops
There is nothing more Patriotic then RED, WHITE, and BLUE! Even if you are talking about Ice Cream!
However, making Ice Cream is not really my forte’. Even though I am a self proclaimed lover of gadgets, the one thing I do not have is an Ice Cream Maker. *Have to put that one on my list!
A couple of Saturdays ago, I was watching my cooking shows and one had a recipe for Strawberry Yogurt Ice Cream Pops! I thought to myself, “That would be an AWESOME idea for July 4th!”
So with some tweaking here and there, I had it!
I just took some strawberries and mixed with some sugar and a splash of vanilla. *Not to worry! Recipe will follow! 😉
Allow to sit for 15-20 minutes.
Then, I took 1 1/2 cups blueberries.
Mixed with a 1/2 cup of regular Yogurt. (I generally eat Greek Yogurt, but for this, I used regular. The Greek is just to sour.)
Then, I tried it and realized it needed a little dash of sugar for the kids to like it. I would have been fine without it. But I did it anyway.
Then, I cleaned out the blender and repeated the same steps with the Strawberries. Since I already added sugar and vanilla to this, I just blended with another 1/2 cup of Yogurt.
Time to assemble the Pops!
I bought the molds for $1.50 each at Walmart.
I layered everything in a Red, White, and Blue pattern. Strawberry Mixture, a little regular Yogurt, then Blueberry Mixture.
Insert tops! By the way, I love these! They have a little sipper on the ends for anything that melts.
One lick ……….
And little babies everywhere are SUPER HAPPY! Who doesn’t love that?
RECIPE: 4th of July Yogurt “Ice Cream” Pops
– 1 Cup Fresh Strawberries, Sliced
– 1/4 Cup Sugar
– 1 1/2 Cups Fresh Blueberries
– Tbsp. Sugar
– 1 Tsp. Vanilla Extract
– 1 Cup Plain Yogurt, Divided plus Additional for Layering Pops
– 2 (4 count) Ice Cream Molds
– Combine Strawberries, 1/4 Cup of Sugar, and 1 Teaspoon Vanilla. Set aside for 15-20 minutes.
– Meanwhile, combine Blueberries, 1 Tbsp. Sugar, and 1/2 cup Yogurt in a blender and blend until smooth. Set aside.
– Rinse out Blender and add Strawberries and remaining 1/2 cup Yogurt. Blend until smooth and set aside.
– Take Ice Cream molds and layer a small amount of Strawberry mixture, then a little Regular Yogurt, and then top off with Blueberry Mixture. If you still have room, start to repeat layers in a Red, White, Blue pattern.
– Top molds with tops and place in the freezer for atleast 4 hours or until firm.
Strawberry Muffins
I have been on a Strawberry Kick as of lately. It must be the time of the year.
Strawberries are everywhere and ripe for the picking!
“There’s umm Strawberries and Cream, Strawberry Shortcake, Strawberry Tartlets, Strawberry Pancakes, Strawberry Cake, Strawberry Ice Cream,
Strawberry Creole…………………..”
SAY WHAT??????? Sorry, had to throw in a little Forrest Gump there.
My latest is Strawberry MUFFINS! SO GOOD!
These little things are ridiculous. It’s best not to be alone when you bake these because others may never get one! They are that good!
The best part or possibly the worst part is that they are very quick to make! This may or may not cause you to bake them all the time, not being the best thing for your waistline! LOL!
They have a pecan streusel topping that is AMAZING!
I always add more strawberries than the recipe calls for. Because of this, I bake them a little longer to make sure the filling is done.
Definitely give these a try and if you manage not to eat them all yourself, try giving one to your child’s teacher or better yet, YOUR BOSS! You might just get that raise you have been wanting.
However, if your boss is allergic to nuts, might want to skip that one……………. OR not……………….. YOUR CHOICE! I DON’T JUDGE!
Recipe: Strawberry Muffins
– 3/4 cup Skim Milk
– 1/2 cup Vegetable Oil
– 1 Egg
– 2 cups All-Purpose Flour
– 1 1/4 cup Chopped Stawberries
– 1/3 cup Sugar
– 1 tbsp. Baking Powder
– 1/4 tsp. Salt
– Heat oven to 400 degrees. Grease 12 regular size muffin cups or line with paper baking cups.
– Mix milk, oil and egg in large bowl until well blended. Stir in remaining ingredients except Pecan Streusel Topping , just until moistened.
– Make Pecan Streusel Topping , Divide batter evenly among muffin cups, filling two- thirds full. Sprinkle batter with Pecan Streusel Topping on top.
– Bake 15-20 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean.
Pecan Streusel Topping:
– 1/2 cup chopped Pecans
– 1/2 cup Packed Brown Sugar
– 1/4 cup All- Purpose Flour
– 2 tbsp. Melted Butter
Mix all ingredients in large bowl until well blended.
Pecan Streusel Topping (recipe below)
Mixed Berry Tartlets with Lemon Drizzle
Every Mother’s Day, I fantasize that my husband is losing sleep over the perfect meal to cook me with his 3 perfectly hair combed children in their best Sunday dresses and suit.
As he pours over countless cookbooks, he realizes that he has not yet vacuumed and dusted, which he quickly attends to. His children are making their beds and tidying up their rooms JUST BECAUSE they want to and JUST BECAUSE being clean feels SO good! (This is my fantasy, remember?)
Where am I, you ask?
Well, of course I’m at the Spa getting pampered by a crew of estheticians who want to make me feel good about my self JUST BECAUSE they care that much!
Then I stop dreaming………….. I wake up……………
to the sound of my 2 girls screaming and fighting and pulling eachother’s hair (that is not perfectly combed, by the way) JUST BECAUSE the other one took her pink furry pillow without asking. My son is throwing his little basketball everywhere but actually IN the basketball goal, which is followed up by a crashing sound. Not to mention the girls took it upon themselves to fix “breakfast” which may or may not have consisted of Nutella, Crackers, Half & Half, Cold Left Over White Rice, and Cheezits.
I know, Yummy.
All this, while my husband still sleeps soundly in his bed……. (Love ya Baby!) 😉
Well fellas, to help you out and make your #1 lady think you poured over cookbooks all day, I’m going to help you out with this Super Easy Dessert!
Why not try to make these Mixed Berry Tartlets. Heck, if you want to impress her even more than the fact that you made these to start with……. tell her they are Mixed Berry Tartlets with a Lemon Drizzle.
You only need 7 things and there is a chance that you may have a few of the ingredients already!
Here is what you need to do:
Cut up an 18 oz. package of Strawberries and add to a mixing bowl.
Throw in a couple of handfuls of fresh blueberries and sprinkle mixture with 1 Tablespoon of Sugar…… Toss to Combine. Set aside.
Take a package of Ready Crust Graham Cracker Tartlet minis.
Brush them with a little bit of egg white. (*You don’t have to, but it gives the crust a nice brown color when baking)
Put the tartlets on a cookie sheet and bake according to the package instructions for only 5 minutes. *I think it was 375 degrees, but might have been 350. Make sure you check!
While that is baking,
Squeeze the juice of 1 lemon into bowl and whisk in 1/2 cup of Powdered Sugar.
Your lemon drizzle should still be runny, but slightly thick like this. Set it aside.
Now take 1 cup of Heavy Whipping Cream. (*If you can’t find “Heavy”, regular Whipping Cream is fine) TIP for DAD: Creams like this have their own section next to the milk area in the Grocery Store. 😉
Find mom’s electric hand mixer and put the whisk attachment on. Beat on low at first unless you want to have the entire thing on your clothes. Add 1 Tablespoon Granulated Sugar and eventually go to highest setting and beat until cream becomes a thick whip with “stiff peaks” like this. BE CAREFUL! If you whisk too long, it could turn into butter! YIKES!
DAD: If making this whipped cream on your own proves to be too overwhelming, no one will judge you for buying Cool Whip! However, if you REALLY want to impress mom, go for the homemade stuff and earn those brownie points!
After the tartlets have baked and cooled, mound them up with the berry mixture. (You will probably have leftover berries)
Spoon the lemon drizzle over each tartlet to your liking. A couple spoonfuls each is fine.
Top each with whipped cream.
And garnish with fresh strawberries!
Mom will be SO SURPRISED and touched that you went the extra mile JUST BECAUSE you love her so much!
Recipe: Mixed Berry Tartlets
– 18oz. package Fresh Strawberries
– Couple Handfuls of Fresh Blueberries
– 1 cup Heavy Whipping Cream
– 2 Tablespoons Granulated Sugar, Divided
– Juice of 1 Lemon
– 1/2 Cup Powdered Sugar
– 1 Package Ready Crust Graham Cracker Tartlet Minis
– 1 egg white (Optional)
– Dice up Strawberries and add to a bowl. Add the Blueberries and Sprinkle with 1 Tablespoon of the Granulated Sugar. Set aside.
– Brush 1 eggwhite (optional) over the crusts and bake according to package instructions. Set aside to cool when finished.
– While crusts are baking, combine lemon juice and powdered sugar by whisking until smooth. Set aside.
– With the whisking attachment of an electric mixer, whisk remaining tablespoon of granulated sugar with the 1 cup of heavy whipping cream in a bowl. Whisk until mixture forms “stiff peaks”. Set aside.
– To assemble, take cooled tartlets, and mound each one with berry mixture.
– Add a couple of spoonfuls of lemon drizzle to each tartlet.
– Top with whipped cream.
– Garnish with fresh berries.
– Stick in the fridge for atleast 10 minutes. If making ahead, desserts will keep just fine in the fridge!
Gingersnap Ice Cream Sandwiches
I’m Back!
Did you miss me???
(Insert: Cricket Chirping Sound)
Ok, not everybody at once!
Well, in case you haven’t noticed, I have been a little M.I.A.
This can be due to a combination of things. For one, I got sick… Boo!
Wait a minute, I already used that excuse. Ok, hold on… let me think.
Ok, I got it! I also lost my BLOGGING MOJO!
Not to worry! I found it again. It was hiding under a pile of dirty clothes in the corner of my closet.
SO! Without further adieu,
Who wants to take a look at a Yummy dessert?
That’s right y’all! Say it with me!
I basically combined two of my most favorite things in the world.
Gingersnaps AND Ice Cream!
I used this brand of Gingersnaps because they seem to have a slight softness to them that most Gingersnaps don’t have.
This way, there is no Teeth Chipping and Dental bills being sent to me.
Also, make sure to let your Ice Cream sit out about 10 minutes to soften up before topping cookies.
Just lay them bottom side up.
Take a metal scoop (if I had to guess, I would say mine measures out around a teaspoon or so) and top one side with a scoop of the Ice Cream.
(You didn’t think I was going to stop there, did you?)
Now top the other cookies with the same thing! 🙂
Awe! Aren’t they so cute?
Carefully take one side and top it with another. Then carefully press together.
(The ice cream will be soft, so you should have no problem doing this)
Perfect little dessert…..
Or is it?
AGAIN…You didn’t honestly think I was going to stop there either, did you?
Grab some pretty sprinkles….
Let your sandwich go for a roll.
And Voila!
Make sure you put in the freezer for just a little bit to set up. You can tell some of them started to melt a little, but that will be ok after they hang out in the freezer.
In about 20 to 30 minutes, you will have happy tummies !!!
The combinations for this are endless! If you aren’t the biggest fan of Gingersnaps and if Vanilla is too boring for you,
try your favorite flat cookie paired with your favorite ice cream flavor.
But, if you do…..
leave me a comment and tell me what you did so I can try the same thing!
~ Esther ~

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