Dirty Clothes
Gingersnap Ice Cream Sandwiches
I’m Back!
Did you miss me???
(Insert: Cricket Chirping Sound)
Ok, not everybody at once!
Well, in case you haven’t noticed, I have been a little M.I.A.
This can be due to a combination of things. For one, I got sick… Boo!
Wait a minute, I already used that excuse. Ok, hold on… let me think.
Ok, I got it! I also lost my BLOGGING MOJO!
Not to worry! I found it again. It was hiding under a pile of dirty clothes in the corner of my closet.
SO! Without further adieu,
Who wants to take a look at a Yummy dessert?
That’s right y’all! Say it with me!
I basically combined two of my most favorite things in the world.
Gingersnaps AND Ice Cream!
I used this brand of Gingersnaps because they seem to have a slight softness to them that most Gingersnaps don’t have.
This way, there is no Teeth Chipping and Dental bills being sent to me.
Also, make sure to let your Ice Cream sit out about 10 minutes to soften up before topping cookies.
Just lay them bottom side up.
Take a metal scoop (if I had to guess, I would say mine measures out around a teaspoon or so) and top one side with a scoop of the Ice Cream.
(You didn’t think I was going to stop there, did you?)
Now top the other cookies with the same thing! 🙂
Awe! Aren’t they so cute?
Carefully take one side and top it with another. Then carefully press together.
(The ice cream will be soft, so you should have no problem doing this)
Perfect little dessert…..
Or is it?
AGAIN…You didn’t honestly think I was going to stop there either, did you?
Grab some pretty sprinkles….
Let your sandwich go for a roll.
And Voila!
Make sure you put in the freezer for just a little bit to set up. You can tell some of them started to melt a little, but that will be ok after they hang out in the freezer.
In about 20 to 30 minutes, you will have happy tummies !!!
The combinations for this are endless! If you aren’t the biggest fan of Gingersnaps and if Vanilla is too boring for you,
try your favorite flat cookie paired with your favorite ice cream flavor.
But, if you do…..
leave me a comment and tell me what you did so I can try the same thing!
~ Esther ~

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