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Make your own Command Center!


Have you heard of the new concept of “Command Centers”?  Well, I reckon it’s a new thing?  Whoa, I just said reckon, but I’m not ashamed.

Basically, if you are short on space, or you don’t have a designated area for an office, you can take something as small as a corner or a wall and turn it into a COMMAAAAAAAAND CENTER!  (I imagine some crazy loud man with an echo saying that)

That is exactly what I did in the corner of my dining room.


You can put whatever you want in your center.  It is the area in your home where you typically take care of your bills, schedules for your family, organize dinner menus (etc.)  There aren’t really any set rules because let’s be honest, everyone’s home runs differently than the next home.


What I did, was take 4 plain, wooden clipboards that I picked up from Office Max for $2.99 each, only to be horrified later when I realized I could have gotten them from The Dollar Tree for…… you guessed it!

However, the ones there were not exactly the same.  They didn’t have the circle at the top that made it easy to hang on a single nail and would have been difficult to hang as a result.  Some of the things I put on my boards that help me were a blank grocery list that I grouped into areas of the store so that I wasn’t playing ping pong back and forth throughout the store while I was there.

Then I did our weekly menu for meals, my monthly calendar, and a great household planner I found at the The Confident Mom to help organize MY LIFE!  LOL!

All of the templates other than the one I created for the grocery store, I found online by searching “free calendar printables” or “free menu printables”.  I don’t have the links to the ones I used, but….

Here are some great examples of other Free Printables:

Shining Mom   (Free Printable Monthly Calendar)

The Suburban Mom    (Free Printable Monthly Calendar)

Sweet Bella Roos   (Free Menu Planner)

Posh Ideas  (Free Menu Planner)


Next to the clip boards, I have one of my bulletin boards that I keep fun things on, important reminders, appt. cards and so on.  I love showcasing some of the sweet artwork the kids bring home from school too!


I also have an area for my files with important things I need and a basket that I labeled for mail overflow.


Overall, I love this little nook and what we turned it into.  I forgot to mention that most of the things I used, were things I already had.  That is the best part about one of these command centers.  Try your best to use items that you already have.  I already had the desk (Target), chair(Old Time Pottery), bulletin board (Homegoods), baskets (Goodwill finds), and file folders (Office Max).

I bought the clipboards and slipcover for the chair.  Again, the clipboards were $2.99/ea. and the slipcover was bought from Pier 1 for $39.95.

If you have the time and want to organize your Family day to day life…… or simply your own life, seriously consider a Command Center!

I promise you won’t be disappointed!

Happy Decorating!




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Fun Shared Girls Room (Reveal)


I have been literally obsessed with finishing the girls’ new room, and honestly it isn’t really finished yet.  There are a few things to tweak here and there and paint.  There are also a few DIY projects that still need to be done, but don’t worry!  I will definitely share them once they have been completed.

The girls’ new room is our old bonus/playroom that never got played in!  Doesn’t that irritate you?  Well, it DID irritate me!  LOL!

What to do?


I need to back track a little though and let you know why I decided to move the girls upstairs.  First, like I said, the room never got used even though we had tons of toys to play with up there.  Our home’s lay out is to where the downstairs is our main living space and everything upstairs was considered (for us) bonus.  One big bonus room, a bathroom, and another bedroom.

The girls shared one of the downstairs bedrooms and a king bed and were still fighting ALLLLLLLL the time!  “She touched me!  She looked at me!  She FARTED on me! ”     You know, the usual stuff.


Then, one day, I just looked at my husband with those ” I have an idea” looks.  After I chased him down into the other room and made him listen to me, I told him I thought we should move the girls to the bonus room and maybe their own space would make things better.

So far, so good!  I am really happy with how it turned out.  A friend of mine said that it reminded her of a cool dorm room.


I knew that if I wanted to make this happen, it was going to have to be on a tight budget.  Other than the beds, I didn’t want to have to spend much.  I kind of had no way around purchasing the beds.  I did, however, go to Walmart to buy the twin beds/box springs which I felt would be the cheapest alternative.(*around $300/each bed)   The metal frames were universal ones that I picked up at Sam’s Club.  ($38 each)

The hilarious thing is that they are happier with smaller beds.  They went from sharing a King, down to a twin bed.  I think something can definitely be said though for having your own space……. and not being farted on….. right?  Sorry!


I wanted to visually divide the room to allow them to have their “own sides”.  I already had these toy shelves in the room and decided to arrange them in a way that they both could have their own things stored on each side.  It is basically 4 of the units that I picked up at Walmart for $17 each with fabric containers picked up at Target a while back.

This is one of the projects that still needs tweaking.  My idea is to attach them with screws and put molding around the creases with maybe a top to match their desk tops.  This way, the piece will look more like one piece, instead of 4.


Next off, the DESKS!  I am extremely proud of these desks and I’ll tell you why.  They cost me a total of $ 4 . 00 !!!!  No, that wasn’t a typo!

Let me explain:

I actually took an old dining table that I had on my back porch (that I wanted to move) and cut it down (since it was a pub table), along with the chairs and attached it to the wall to make their desks.  The only thing I had to pay for were the roller casters on the back legs, which I scored at Ollies for $ 4.00.

I had looked and looked on Pinterest for all sorts of ideas.  I found some great ones, but they all were going to cost around $300 to $400 to complete, which definitely would have had to wait a while.  *Remember the tight budget?


If you look closely, you can see that one end looks like it is coming out of the wall and only has 2 legs.

That is because of this:


I thought I was going to have to buy wood from the store to do this, but instead, we were able to reuse pieces from the original table!  SCORE!


To let the girls personalize their own space, I generously gave up a few of my bulletin boards from my office I bought at Homegoods a while back.


This is my youngest daughter’s side.


This is her older sister’s side.  I think you can guess which one has “HOARDING” tendencies…….  LOL!


Here is a view of the chairs.  When we initially cut them down, we didn’t allow for the fact that they all naturally leaned back, so we added the roller casters to the back to level it off.  We didn’t want to have to cut two more of the four chairs that were left, in case I come up with more projects…… for my husband to do…….  😉  * He would have preferred to cut them all up and use them for a bonfire, I’m sure.  Love you honey!


By now, you have probably noticed in a previous photo that the girls have LOCKERS in their room!  This is all because of their cool daddy! While doing a painting project for the local Sheraton hotel in our city, they were getting rid of them!!!!!!  There were 6 in total!!!!  So, you know what that means………….  they were FREEEEEEE  ,  aside from the paint that we purchased to paint them.  They were originally a stale tan color like most lockers are.

You may not be able to tell so well in the pic, but the one in the picture above is a light blue since that is my youngest daughter’s favorite color.

The one in the previous photo further above is a light purple for, you guessed it, our oldest’s favorite color.


The girls and I did a really cool Pinterest DIY project for them.  I bought one sheet of mosaic tile backsplash.  Then, we pulled individual  tiles off and attached peel n stick magnets to them.


Now, the girls can stick things on the lockers since they are magnetic!  Lots of fun!  They love it!


I love how they are able to express their own style and keep it on their own sides of the room.

There are so many things I love about this room, but one of my favorite things are their headboards.


I was really nervous that what I had envisioned would not come out right, but I am SOOOO happy with it!

Again, I had looked and looked on Pinterest for all kinds of ideas.  I found so many great ideas.  However, they all involved using a thick plywood for the base, which would have been fine, except I was determined to not have to ask for my husband’s help on this one.  He was projected out by this time and I was wanting to do this one on my own.

I would have had to have him cut it and that just wasn’t going to work for me.

I decided instead to buy a very large canvas at AC Moore, which was on sale and went from there.  Mom and Dad were visiting the weekend I decided to do it, so I sweet talked Mom into helping me.  She was a trooper!  I asked her because while I might have wanted to go it alone, it is definitely easier when you have two people tugging and stapling.  Thanks MOM!

I will be posting a DIY post on it later.

The one above is my youngest’s.  The stripes were actually a result of things not going exactly like I had planned, but then again, they say that some of the best things come from that and I think this turned out better because of it.  It also allowed their headboards to be slightly different.


Here is a closer view of it.


Here is a close view of my oldest’s.  I kept hers plain without stripes so that she could have, what I considered an older look.  By the way, that is a painter’s drop cloth that is on the headboard.  😉  More on that in the DIY post.


AND this is the BEAST that I will be taking on next.  The plan is to paint it a dark gray and add a long mirror above it.  For this, I will definitely be needing my “painter husband” ‘s help.  Once it is done, I will add a tutorial!  *Maybe my first video tutorial?  What do you think?  😉

Well, there you have it.  This is the girl’s room ……… for now.

Anytime I add anything, I will make sure to let you know!

Until next time……




Sidebar:  The bedding was bought at Target.

Turquoise comforter :  $27.99 (comforter/sham),

Purple Comforter:  $ 24.99 (comforter/sham)

Both Sheet sets:  $ 17.99  (flat/fitted/pillow case)

Quilt on purple bedding:  Gift from Nana for birthday

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Let it Snow!


First off, let me just say that I hope you had an AMAZING Thanksgiving.  My family visited me and I’m so thankful for it.  I’m also thankful that know one got killed in the process, seeing as this was the first time we tried this!  LOL!

While my family was down, I decided to have some fun and take their family pictures.  I love fun, creative pictures, so I searched and searched Pinterest for some great ideas.  I stumbled across the idea of using glitter.

The idea is to stand in front of the camera and blow the glitter towards the lens.  The end result is supposed to give a cool effect.  However, I wasn’t too keen on the idea of glitter getting stuck on my lens so I bought some big fake snow flakes to play with instead.  They were only $5 from Target.


We thought it would be fun to act like the snow was falling down on everyone.  So one by one, we had my sister’s husband sprinkling the snow from up high down onto whoever was the subject.


I wanted them to look like they were standing out in the snow and just loving it coming down on them.  I think it turned out so sweet.


The trick to getting these shots were to use my 50 mm.  I’m not sure the look would be the same if I had used my regular lens.  The 50mm blurs out the background better and concentrates on the person or object in front much better, making the picture pop more!


My poor niece got it on her eye lashes and being the good Aunt that I am…………….

told her to sit still so I could take a picture of it!


Doesn’t that look cool?  Of course, I helped her afterwards.  LOL!


For my sister and her husband, we thought it would be sweet to make it look like they were kissing in the snow.  I love how this turned out!

If you could have seen what it really looked like throwing those flakes, you would have died laughing!  I was standing on the back of Z’s truck while my 9 year old daughter was literally throwing the snow by the handfuls at them while standing next to me.  Let’s just say I have a new major appreciation for what goes on behind the scenes of a photo shoot!  Haha!


He decided to dip her and I think it came out ADORABLY!  🙂


The snowflakes are in the Christmas decorations at Target.  I wasn’t smart enough to take a picture of them before I threw the bag away.  🙁  They are only $5 like I said before, so for an inexpensive price, I think you can have such a cool look for your Christmas pictures this year.

The only downside to this is that because the flakes are so large, you look like you have MONSTER size dandruff flakes afterwards!  LOL!  Just make sure you shake a lot afterwards or go home after the shots.


Oh yeah!  And don’t eat it either!  I’m thinking you might get a big tummy ache!  LOL!


Isn’t she cute?  Um, I should probably add she didn’t really eat them!  😉



I definitely do NOT claim to be a photographer by any means, but this was so much fun to do and I just had to share them with you all!


Happy Holidays!





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Office Makeover


You know those days when you fly away to an exotic destination and forget the mess that you call an office?

Or better yet…… Snap your fingers and it’s clean, organized, and redecorated?????

Then you ACTUALLY WAKE UP and realize that it was all one mean dream?  That you aren’t actually about to board a plane to your dream vacation.  That you don’t possess magical powers that allow you to snap your fingers and things just fix themselves.  No!  The reality is that you have to go through every cluttered box you own and piece by piece, organize it!




Well, luckily……… that’s not how I role.

I love looking at organized stuff and my things may have some rhyme or reason to why they are all grouped in one general location, but I am definitely NOT a self professed organizer.

Oh yes, I have very ambitious thoughts from time to time, but then I get distracted by more important things…… like ice cream and chocolate.


I am, however, VERY happy with the way it turned out!


The lighting was hideous the day I tried to take these pics, thanks to all the rain we have gotten.

It’s not completely finished yet.  I still have a few things left to do, but for the most part it’s complete.


I wanted more of an open concept than the one I had before.  Before, the desk on the right was in the middle of the office, which really cut off the room visually.

I’m still brainstorming with ideas for that open wall above the desk, but nothing concrete yet.  I’ll update once I’ve decided.

Also, as you will notice, my lovely hubby still needs to go and finish painting the baseboards.  (I’ll do a post soon on how to build up your baseboards for practically nothing!)


I am notorious for painting my ceilings.  It gives the room such a custom look.  Plus, when you have high ceilings, the height can make your room seem too empty.  Painting your ceilings can either give you the illusion of higher ceilings or lower, depending on the color you choose.  Painting the ceiling a neutral tan color in this room, really “cozied” it up for me.

Paint colors:

Benjamin Moore’s At Sea – Walls

Benjamin Moore’s Bleeker Beige – Ceiling

High Gloss White – Trim


On the left side of the room is where all the organizational stuff is.  I decided to not have any closed storage.  This kept things open for me to just grab when I needed.  Instead, I chose to go to Target and Homegoods for all my containers and idea boards.

I found the 3 shelf bookcases at Walmart for only $17 each.  When it came to the idea boards on top, I almost splurged on Pottery Barn.  The thought of spending over $700 on boards that I was going to hang on the wall, made me sick to my stomach, so instead, I went to my trusty ole’ Homegoods store to see what I could find first.  I’m so happy I did!  Not only did I find something, in my opinion, prettier………  They were far CHEAPER!  I only spent $40 on the big one in the middle, and $20 each for the ones on the sides!  Woot!  Woot!



I felt like the colors were perfect.  Lighter is what I was going for.  So, when I start to put my ideas on the board, they will really POP!


I am so happy that most stores in general are really starting to amp up their office storage.  All the designs are so nice these days.  You can find cute stuff everywhere! AND CHEAP!

I got the brown storage boxes and multi colored file box from Target.

The cream colored baskets (set of 3), grey woven boxes (set of 2) from Homegoods. 

The black boxes from Walmart.

Pattern file folders from Office Max.


This table was a MUST have!  I could see in my mind what I wanted and how I wanted the office to turn out.  I just couldn’t find a white pedestal table to go in the middle……..  that I could ACTUALLY afford!

I found plenty online!  But they were all a small fortune and I just didn’t want to spend it.

Then, one night when I was searching Target’s website, I found it!  Their new line Threshold, had the perfect one.  It was so late and I was literally about to go to bed.  So, when I saw that it was only $120, I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me!    It happened to be on sale because I think it is normally around $150.  Plus, if you use your Target red card, which is the Debit card, you get free shipping even if it isn’t supposed to be.  Not to mention you get the 5% discount.

I’m in love with it!  The great thing is that it is a dining table, so it can double duty as extra eating space if you ever have people over!  🙂


This chandelier was originally meant for the girl’s room at our previous house.  I had just bought it when we decided that we were going to sell our home.  So, I held onto it hoping that I could find a nice spot for it here.  So happy that it worked out for the office.  I think it gives it an unexpected chic feel.


I have big plans for these two pieces if I can sweet talk the hubby into it.  Two words…….  MILK…… PAINT!

I want all the furniture to maintain a lighter look, so that black is driving me crazy……….  (PATIENCE ESTHER!)


I picked these cute knobs up at a local gift shop in Pawley’s Island.


I have to say, I REALLY enjoy drinking my coffee in my office now.



Apparently, I’m not the only one!  😉

Happy Saturday Y’all!







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