Let it Snow!
First off, let me just say that I hope you had an AMAZING Thanksgiving. My family visited me and I’m so thankful for it. I’m also thankful that know one got killed in the process, seeing as this was the first time we tried this! LOL!
While my family was down, I decided to have some fun and take their family pictures. I love fun, creative pictures, so I searched and searched Pinterest for some great ideas. I stumbled across the idea of using glitter.
The idea is to stand in front of the camera and blow the glitter towards the lens. The end result is supposed to give a cool effect. However, I wasn’t too keen on the idea of glitter getting stuck on my lens so I bought some big fake snow flakes to play with instead. They were only $5 from Target.
We thought it would be fun to act like the snow was falling down on everyone. So one by one, we had my sister’s husband sprinkling the snow from up high down onto whoever was the subject.
I wanted them to look like they were standing out in the snow and just loving it coming down on them. I think it turned out so sweet.
The trick to getting these shots were to use my 50 mm. I’m not sure the look would be the same if I had used my regular lens. The 50mm blurs out the background better and concentrates on the person or object in front much better, making the picture pop more!
My poor niece got it on her eye lashes and being the good Aunt that I am…………….
told her to sit still so I could take a picture of it!
Doesn’t that look cool? Of course, I helped her afterwards. LOL!
For my sister and her husband, we thought it would be sweet to make it look like they were kissing in the snow. I love how this turned out!
If you could have seen what it really looked like throwing those flakes, you would have died laughing! I was standing on the back of Z’s truck while my 9 year old daughter was literally throwing the snow by the handfuls at them while standing next to me. Let’s just say I have a new major appreciation for what goes on behind the scenes of a photo shoot! Haha!
He decided to dip her and I think it came out ADORABLY! 🙂
The snowflakes are in the Christmas decorations at Target. I wasn’t smart enough to take a picture of them before I threw the bag away. 🙁 They are only $5 like I said before, so for an inexpensive price, I think you can have such a cool look for your Christmas pictures this year.
The only downside to this is that because the flakes are so large, you look like you have MONSTER size dandruff flakes afterwards! LOL! Just make sure you shake a lot afterwards or go home after the shots.
Oh yeah! And don’t eat it either! I’m thinking you might get a big tummy ache! LOL!
Isn’t she cute? Um, I should probably add she didn’t really eat them! 😉
I definitely do NOT claim to be a photographer by any means, but this was so much fun to do and I just had to share them with you all!
Happy Holidays!

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