Skeleton Heads
Halloween Decorating
I love sprucing up the house for different Holidays. I especially love doing it for Halloween.
My mom, as well as my mother in law always do atleast a little decorating on the inside for it.
You don’t have to do much. I just take some “scary” things and put a little around the house.
For instance. . . . .
No coffee center would be complete without a few orange coffee cups, equipped with their own ghostly chains to drink out of.
A dead black rose and bones for stirring your cream and sugar.
Of course, if you aren’t careful . . . . . .
things can become a bit “overgrown”.
While pesky critters may come out to play!
However, you must REMEMBER, any Good Witch will tell you . . .
ALWAYS decorate your foyer.
NEVER dust for cobwebs,
ALWAYS put out your best Skeleton Heads,
And ALWAYS keep Lists.
And NEVER EVER forget your Black Cat.
Happy Haunting!

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