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What I’ve been up to!

Projects!  Projects!  Projects!


When I don’t post for a while, rest assured it’s because I have been very busy.

That is exactly the situation again.

If you didn’t already know, we moved into a new home a few months ago.  Since then, we have been trying to update it a little bit.  For one, it is bigger than my last one. (HALLELUJAH!)

So, we needed to actually get some furniture for it, which I’ve written about in other posts.  Well, there is something else now.  The floors!

The floors were pretty nasty to begin with.  There were so many “pet stains”, that when we pulled the carpet back, I couldn’t tell where one ended and another began.  : (

Plus, to top it all off, we have allergies that get worse when you involve that ugly little carpet word.

Here is a “Before” shot of part of the living room.  The carpet doesn’t look that bad in this pic.  My camera is being very kind to me.

It was the best feeling in the world when I got to see the first row of boards go down.


This however, was not.  It took him the whole weekend to get the tile in the foyer out! : (  We later found out that a much lighter tool would have done the job in way less time!  Oh well, lesson learned.

This is a “still in progress” picture of the living room.

The whole project isn’t finished yet.  However, when it is, I’ll post the final pictures.

While the kitchen, living room, and pretty much the rest of the house was a mess……  we decided to go ahead and do the backsplash I’ve been wanting in the kitchen.

I had this at the last house, so I knew that I would like it.  It only cost me $140 in materials!  For a tile backsplash, that is great!

The undercabinet lights kind of made the picture too bright, but I’m too lazy to turn them off and take another.  It isn’t grouted yet, but I will update the photos when it is.

I also managed to snag this pendant light from The Goodwill down the road for $5.95.  With a little paint, it and it’s 2 siblings will be the fun, quirky light fixtures I have been looking for to go over the bar.



That is what I have been up to lately.  Updating the house and now hopefully updating Babies and Biscuits. 


I did manage to make a pot of Chili along the way!

Recipe to follow tomorrow!






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Burlap Wreaths

When I went to my friends house the other day, I noticed her adorable wreath on her front door.

It was made from Burlap and had the cutest “B” hanging on it for their last name.  The first thing I said to her when I came in was, ” I MUST HAVE A WREATH LIKE THAT!”

I asked  her where she got it and to my Horror, she said she made it!  I say Horror because while I like to think of myself as creative, I have never tried to make a wreath before.  However, the Horror changed to Delight when she told me she would make me one.  Well two, since I have a double front door now on my house.

Which (sidebar) reminds me!  Double front doors are beautiful!  In fact, they are fantastic!  You can open both when bringing in furniture so you no longer scrape door ways.  They have a grand appearance as well.


You always have to buy two of every stinkin kind of decoration so that it looks proportioned.  Which translates into lots and lots of $.

I’m lucky my good friend loves me and agreed to make them for me for cost.  Even if she didn’t, in my opinion they are VERY  reasonable.  Especially considering their size.  She starts with a 22in. grapevine wreath for the base.  Adding the burlap makes it even larger!

She makes and sells one of these for $50 each.  Here is a link to her Facebook page:!/KDiddlespropshop?fref=ts

She is awesome and doesn’t just make wreaths, so check it out.



(Apparently, you also have to get 2 welcome door mats or it doesn’t look proportioned!!!)




This is the cute little “Z” she put for mine.  I’m thinking about attaching Halloween ornaments for a seasonal look.  Regardless, this is a “year round” look, but especially great for the Fall and Winter.





This is the first wreath’s little sister, so she doesn’t get lonely.



And (second side bar) , this was my breakfast this past Saturday morning.





Don’t judge me!




Happy Monday Everyone!  : )




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Getting along and not losing any hair in the process!

This summer has been kind of tough for me “creativity wise”.  I was very ambitous the week before school let out for the summer.  I had all these great plans.  I was going to get craft supplies, I was going to get organized, and I was going to figure out ways to MAKE my children get along and not fight.

I am already losing hair from the constant bickering back and forth and the screaming.  We are only the second week in and I was figuring that if things kept going at this pace, I would be completely bald before the end of the summer!

This is usually how it goes.  Kid #1 starts yelling and complaining about Kid #2 licking her.  Then Kid #1 slaps Kid #2.  Then Kid #2 slaps Kid #1 back.  Then Kid #3, who is going through his “flashing” stage, decides it would be a good idea to run around the house showing parts of him that shouldn’t be shown.

I finally cracked and said to myself, “SELF!  We are going to the craft store and buying some stuff!”

So, self and self’s offspring piled up in the car and headed out.  I went without a plan.  Just grabbing anything and everything that I thought would work.  Probably would have been better to go WITH a plan because taking a 3, 6, and 8 year old to the craft store is like taking them to Disney World.

“Mom!  Can we get this?”  “Mom!  Can we get that?”  “MOM!”  “MOM”!  “MOM!”


Anyhoo!  I got out the door for about $80 and after I forced the uncontrollable urge to throw up from price shock back down, we walked to the car and headed home.

Getting home was chaotic at first.  They seriously wanted to do every craft we bought within the first 5 minutes of being home.  After they realized they were going to lose that war, they settled down and we finally came up with a game plan.

We will try to do atleast one craft a day and hopefully mommy won’t have to spend $80 a week on crafts, resulting in financial ruin. › Continue reading


How to Style a Low Bun

It’s the perfect season for easy and elegant up-dos. Maybe you are getting your outfit together for a friends wedding or for your senior prom. Here’s a simple style for a cute low bun, you could dress this up with little flower blooms or ribbon!

1. Seperate a few thick strands from the top of your head (where your part naturally ends) and tease them by brushing the hair up toward your head. 2. Pull your hair down, styling it into a low pony tail. 3. Fluff up the teased part of your hair. 4. Now that you have a volumnious low pony tail use a hair tie to keep it in place. 5. Seperate the hair of your pony tail in half, tease the upper half. 6. Use the lower half (the unteased hair) and flip over the top or your teased bun. 7. Wrap hair around the base of your bun and pin it in place. 8. Style any loose strands.


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