Tissue Paper Pom Pom
When I was in Catholic school, I was a Cheerleader.
It was actually pretty fun. Except for the fact that it was a CATHOLIC school! I really loved my school. However, instead of having sassy short skirts, we had knee length ones.
Instead of having really cool sleeveless tank style tops, we had sweaters. Have you ever seen a hot sweaty girl who’s cheeks get really flushed on a regular basis without even having to move…………. try to cheer in a hot itchy sweater? Let me just tell you………… It ain’t pretty!
Plus, I’m pretty sure I was still rockin my “waved” bangs and sides. (*Don’t even try to lie and act like you didn’t ! You know you were right there with me……… PLEASE say you were right there with me.)
*SIDEBAR: They got the cool uniforms the year AFTER I cheered. I still harbor resentment.
*Well, fast forward to 2013 and I am not talking about the pom poms that come with a skirt…….. or a sweater for that matter.
I’m talking about the fun, cute ones you make for parties. They take about 5 minutes TOPS and would be adorable at the next little birthday party you throw for a loved one. They also double as cute room decorations. Just group them with a few others at different lengths hanging from the ceiling and instant CHEAP accessory!
Here is what you need to do:
You will need a pack of tissue paper, one pipe cleaner (or something sturdy to fasten the middle of the pom pom, and some ribbon to hang it with).
I get the packs that have 8 sheets, but you can always buy one with more. It would just be fuller. This pack only cost $ .99 at Walmart. I already had the pipe cleaner and ribbon, so it only cost me the amount of the tissue paper.
Unfold the tissue paper and leave all the sheets still stacked on top of each other.
Start to fold the tissue paper in an accordion style. Fold one way, then the opposite way. Do this until you have folded the entire stack.
Since the paper comes folded already, you will have somewhat of a template to follow. However, I fold mine slightly smaller than the width they have.
Like so…..
When gathered in the middle, this is what it should look like.
Now, gather in the middle and secure a pipe cleaner to the middle of the folded tissue paper.
Either cut off the excess pipe cleaner or wrap the extra around like I did.
Now, one by one, starting pulling back the individual sheets on each side. Be careful not to rip the sheets. They are fragile.
I like to pull one on each side, working my way towards the middle until all of them have been done.
This is what it should look like when you have completed one side. Now, just repeat the same steps on the other side.
Looking straight through to the middle, this is what it will look like.
Now, take your ribbon and cut the desired length.
Attach around the pipe cleaner in the middle.
Make sure you fluff around where the center is in order to hide the opening.
Mix colors and have fun! We did this for the 4 Year Anniversary at my Church a few months back and hung them everywhere. At the end of service, we let all the little kiddies take one home.
Here is a picture of some from the 4 Year Anniversary Party:
Happy Partying and Happy Decorating!

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