Daddy’s Hands
Father’s Day and a Fish Fry
When I think of my Dad, the first thing that comes to mind is his hands. They are true
Southern, Hard Working, Big, Farmer type hands. I always felt like my Dad was the strongest man in the world. I guess it’s kind of perfect that I went and saw “The Man of Steel” today, because that is exactly how I feel about my Dad.
SO! Since it is Father’s Day, I found it only fitting to go back and share another thing that comes to mind when I think of my Dad. His Fried Fish!
My Daddy can Fry a Fish like nobody’s business.
So, here is an old post I did when Mom and Dad visited last year.
Say “Hi!”, dad.
Well, my Mom and Dad visited this weekend and I was sooooo happy to see them. They only live 3 hours away, but 3 hours is still 3 hours no matter how you look at it and I was tickled to be able to see them.
The last time they came down, we had a fish fry and it was absolutely amazing! My daddy sure can fry some fish.
SO! We decided to make that a tradition from now on when they come down. Mom made her corn cake fritters to go along with it and it was perfect.
Here is what we did!
First, dad took the catfish and rinsed them really well.
Then he coated them in seafood breader. *Mom wanted me to make a point to say that they usually ONLY use “Atkinson” brand. However, all we could find down here was Moss’ brand and her picky little heart just had to settle. FYI: It was still REALLY good!
Coat them really well.
THIS well!
This picture makes me want to sing, “Daddy’s Haaaaaaaaaands, were soft and kind when I was cryin. Daddy’s Haaaaaaands…..” (Sorry, just thought I would share and break out a little Holly Dunn)
On to the frying! Dad likes to use peanut oil to fry in. It has a higher smoking point, so it has a less tendency to burn the fish if cooking for long periods of time and gives it great flavor. I know that a lot of people have allergies these days to peanut oil, so substitute vegetable oil if this is the case.
You can fry between four and five pieces at a time depending on the size of your frying pan. Make sure not to overcrowd the pan. If you do, it will bring your temperature down and the fish may not cook correctly.
Fry smaller pieces of fish between 2-3 minutes. Fry larger pieces of fish between 3-4 minutes PER SIDE.
When fish are finished cooking, it is a great idea to drain them on a wired cooling rack so that the grease can drain and the fish stay crispy.
This is what they will look like! Yummy, right? RIGHT???
Dad’s 6 pounds of fish!
Recipe: Dad’s Fish Fry
– 3-4 lbs. of white fish cut into pieces (we used catfish)
– 1 cup seafood breader to coat
– salt/pepper
– peanut oil or vegetable oil for frying
Clean fish by rinsing with water. Do not dry. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Coat with seafood breader. (Breader will adhere to fish because of being wet from rinsing with water).
Meanwhile, fill pan with oil until about 2 inches deep. Heat oil over medium high heat to around 350 degrees.
*Always drop fish in and away from you. This way, if any hot grease splatters up, it will most likely do so away from you.
Fry small pieces of fish 2-3 minutes total. Fry larger pieces of fish 3-4 minutes PER SIDE.
Drain fish on a wire cooling rack to get a crispier crust.