Work it Girl!
My girls were visiting my mom and dad in NC all last week, so naturally I was excited!
Mainly because I was going to be able (in my head) to do ANYTHING I wanted to. Of course, I still had their brother, who at the time I still called “my sweet little baby”.
We were going to go shopping and go to the pool and I was going to blog a lot and we were going to relax.
I should probably back up and tell you that we decided to put our house on the market on July 1st mainly because the walls were starting to close in on us. When you have 3 children and your house is tiny and the noise in it echoes like you are in the Grand Canyon and your blood pressure starts to get dangerously high as a result………. IT’S TIME TO MOVE!!!
Problem was, in our area, if you move down the road, you are practically in another school district. Since I didn’t want the girls to have to change schools and neither did they, we figured we would be sitting still for a while longer.
Mr. Opportunity came a knockin!
Our good friends who literally lived down the same street, and who have a much bigger house than ours, decided to drop the price of their home and WE POUNCED! They were even sweet enough to make our offer contingent on us selling our house first. (which practically doesn’t happen now a days giving our economy right now)
We put our house on the market and THE DAY I get back from dropping my girls off at their Nana and Pop Pop’s, we got an offer and now I have to pack.
Which, by the way I am TOTALLY over already and cannot stand! Did I mention I have only packed one box? Oh well….. Atleast we are only moving down the street.
The Point is….
I DIDN’T get to anything I wanted!
I DIDN’T get to go shopping!
I DIDN’T get to go to the pool!
I DIDN’T get to blog AT ALL!
And the little boy who I USED TO CALL “sweet little baby” has now been renamed to “LITTLE DEMON CHILD!”
I did manage to go and get a quick hair cut that I have been obsessing over for a while now. I finally took the plunge and did it!
“D.J.! Drop that beat!”
You better Work.
Work it Girl.
Do your thing on the Runway.
Turn to the Left!
Turn to the Right!
Happy Monday Everyone!!!

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