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Tutu wearin Alligators

Today, as I was cleaning my house, I could hear the irritating noise  pleasant sound of my children playing at the top of their voices.  As I started to tune them out and proceed with “my daily chores”, I felt a tug on my shirt.

I burst into laughter because of what I saw.

I instantly went back in time to my childhood where my brother’s two “loving” older sisters would “lovingly” dress him up in anything from our Easter crinolines to our princess crowns and play make up.  (SORRY WAYNE!)



 In these parts, apparently “TUTU WEARIN ALLIGATORS” are the dress code.

In my opinion, he got off easy.  We were WAYYYYY meaner to my little brother.  He still turned out alright in the end though.

My mom still has those childhood pictures to prove it, so I see it only fit that I continue the tradition and hold onto to some “blackmailing” ones of my own.

Sorry!  I can’t let his sisters take the fall for the mixed matched pj’s.  This foul was unfortunately my own.


Maybe he won’t hate me that much when he gets older.  It’s not likely these pictures will surface on the internet or anything, right?







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2 Comments to Tutu wearin Alligators

  1. this is soo cute!!!

  2. VSH on June 22nd, 2012
  3. This takes me back to when we tortured my brother.

  4. Esther on June 24th, 2012
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