Laundry Room Make Over Series: DIY “WASH” Sign
I have been wanting to “Spruce” up my Laundry Room for a while.
I didn’t want to break the bank in the process though, so I decided I would do it in fazes. This is the first post in a series of posts I will do as I update it. 🙂
I had seen the letters “W A S H” on someone else’s Laundry Room wall and I decided to do it myself. I think it was Kathryn from Do It On a Dime, which is a Youtube channel, but she also has a blog that she started recently to go along with it. LOVE her! She has great tips for ……. you guessed it, Doing things on a Dime, or on the cheap. You can check out her youtube channel here, and her blog here.
So, first off, I went to my local craft store, AC Moore and bought the unfinished wooden letters. They were 2 for $5.00, which I thought was pretty good.
I also picked up a can of Rust-Oleum’s Painter’s Touch Spray Paint in a Metallic Aluminum Color for $6.99. My walls are painted Stonington Gray by Benjamin Moore in the Laundry Room and instead of painting them a contrasting color, I wanted them to have almost an “embossed” look, so I chose a color as similar as possible to the wall color.
I sprayed them with 2 light coats of paint and it covered VERY VERY well.
This was the end result, which I’m really happy with.
However, I might move the letters because since I did the letters, we have decided to do a few more updates to the Laundry Room, which I am REALLY excited about.
I will make sure to do updates on it as we progress through the work.
While I was at it, I decided to take a White Wired Trash Can I purchased at the Dollar Tree and spray it too.
While you might not be able to tell a huge difference on photo, it did spice it up a little and not make it look so “Dollar Tree”ish. Did that sound bad? I hope not. I was definitely happy with the fact that I was able to get more uses out of the one can of spray paint and still had some left to do other projects!
Stay tuned for more updates on the Laundry Room Makeover!
What’s on your Playlist?
(Thanks to Apple for the picture)
This week I have been trying to get back into my “workout routine”.
Ever since we moved, it has been out of wack. Like wiggidy wiggidy wack! (Sorry, I had to)
I happen to be lucky enough to have a treadmill in my house. I am also lucky enough that it hasn’t kicked the bucket on me since it is over 10 years old.
Oh no, “Ole Betsy” hasn’t kicked the bucket yet, but the day she does will be a bad day. We have had a love/hate relationship over the years, but for the most part, it has been more of a loving one.
This is “Ole Betsy!”
AND, just in case you were wondering, she is a :
She can even double as a clothes rack from time to time, so I would definitely recommend the brand.
Getting back into the groove of things made me start to take a look at my Playlist for my workout. Don’t know if this is the fact that I’m a girl, but I have songs on there that wouldn’t strike someone as the “workout” type of Playlist. The wierd thing is that I actually can workout to these. Now, some of them are definitely high packed energy songs. BUT most are not!
I thought I would share them with you, so here they go. It is such a mix of genres, it is ridiculous!
I’ll even attach the youtube versions, so you dont get bored. So sit back, hang out a while and listen to some music. (P.S. : If some have odd videos, do not hold me accountable)
1). Set Fire to the Third Bar – Snow Patrol featuring Martha Wainwright
2). Paperweight – Schuyler Fisk and Josh Radin (*You have “Dear John” to thank for these)
3).We are Young – Fun featuring Janelle Monáe
4). Yellow – Coldplay
5). Every Teardrop is a Waterfall – Coldplay
6). Paradise – Coldplay
7). Springsteen – Eric Church (Fast forward through the girl talking if you want.)
8). Barefoot Blue Jean Night – Jake Owen
9). Viva La Vida – Coldplay
10). Down (featuring Little Wayne) – Jay Sean
11). Free – Zac Brown Band
12). Pictures of You – The Cure
13). Enchanted – Taylor Swift
14). The Man Who Can’t be Moved – The Script
15). Chasing Pavements – Adele
16). The Way I am – Ingrid Michaelson
So tell me! What’s on your Playlist?

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