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Warm Apple Cider


Spiced Apple Cider

Spiced Apple Cider

Oh!  How I loooooooove Apple Cider.  I’ll drink it cold or hot, but there is just something about a cool crisp Fall day and a cup of Warm Spiced Apple Cider.

I think I’m getting a little excited for Downton Abbey to come back on because I thought to myself, “Why not fancy it up a bit and put it in a tea cup?”

I know I know!  Downton Abbey isn’t coming back on for quite a while still, but a girl can dream, right?

Well, if you fancy yourself some fancied up Warm Spiced Apple Cider, why not have a go at this easy recipe?  When I say easy, I mean SUPER easy!

Here is what you need to do:


Take a teaspoon of pre-packaged mulling spices and add it to a saucepan.  A new Fresh Market opened up here the other day (Insert: Angels Singing).  I bought it there, but you can easily pick this up at any grocery store.


That is also where I picked up the Apple Cider, but again, you can get Apple Cider anywhere.


Add 1 cup of  the cider to the mulling spices and wisk together.

Simmer the cider on low in the saucepan for 10 – 15 minutes.


Take any cup and add a cinnamon stick to it.


Add warm cider to cup and enjoy!

NOTE:  This recipe is good for an individual cup of cider.  However, lots of mulling spice packages (including the one I bought) have directions for making larger quantities.


This would be great for any day, but especially good on those chilly ones!  Also great for little sore throats………  or BIG ones for that matter!  😉




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