Holes in tree
Dr. Seuss Themed Christmas Tree
I love Dr. Seuss……. ANYTHING!
So, it is probably no surprise to most that I would do a “Dr. Seuss” themed Christmas Tree. Specifically “The Grinch Who Stole Christmas”.
I love how in the cartoon and the movie alike, they had random things on the trees. In the cartoon, they even had presents. I couldn’t pull that off, but it gave me the idea to put random things, like silk flowers.
But, not just any silk flowers.
The “loudest” and most “sparkliest” of all flowers.
Most of the ornaments, I have collected over the past few years. However, every year, I add to it a little.
I love ornaments, but picks are what give my tree the look I wanted. I got these in a kit from Sam’s Club this season. They should still have some.
This is as close as I could get to putting actual presents ON my tree instead of UNDER it. I got these from Michael’s craft store three years ago when they went on sale. I think I ended up paying $.89 for them in the end. They also make a great idea as a present topper. One year, I wrapped all my presents in brown paper. I then embellished them with these picks and everyone thought they were so pretty, they didn’t want to open their presents and mess it up.
I also bought these at my local craft store 3 years ago. They haven’t had any since. I have gone back optimistically each year to hopefully buy more, but still get dissapointed. I call these my Peacock feathers!
This is what I found instead this year. The lighting in the photo keeps you from seeing the pretty sparkle these flowers have. I bought these and the blue one at the top from the craft store this season for 50 % off already. They are a little pricey, but are sturdy and worth it in my opinion. They were $5.99 each after the 50% off. Again, at Michael’s.
I bought a set of these, and…………..
these 3 years ago at Target. I think I’m addicted to GLITTER!
These green swirly picks were in the same kit from Sam’s Club and I used them at the top.
These snowflakes were in it too and I felt like it symbolized the Snowflake that Whoville was in.
Last but not least, these are the puffs in the tree. This is new this year for me. I really felt like this made my tree this year. This is a great idea to help hide “holes” in the tree. Picks are too, but these can hide so much more than they can. Plus it just really adds something to your tree. AND! It is ridiculously EASY!
I bought the fabric in a roll of 10 yrds. from Sam’s Club and cut every 1ft. or so. Then I just gathered all four ends and twisted a pipe cleaner I had cut in half to it. Puff it up and stick it in the tree! That’s IT!
SO! That’s it! Hope you like my tree and I hope I have given you some ideas to try out on your own!

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