Don’t “Be Afraid” of Halloween Decorating
It’s that Ghostly, Ghoulish, Wonderful time of the year again and I can hardly contain myself. I absolutely love Halloween!
Who doesn’t? I mean, it’s like the launch party for a new Album!
Halloween is the kickoff party to the Holiday Season!
I always do a few things around the house. A little here and a little there. Last year, I did a similar post that showed a few of the decorations I did. If you missed that one, you can check it out here.
I reused most of my decorations from last year and added just a few new ones.
It occurred to me after I decorated, that I must REALLY be into skulls.
I contribute that to the 2 weeks that I sat in a room by myself and did nothing else but watch Sons of Anarchy.
(*Enough Said)
Hey! Who is up for a little game? Let’s see how many skulls I used in my decorating…… (ANSWER AT THE END OF THIS POST!)
I love this in the front entry way. This is the “kid’s center” with all their craft supplies and books that they like to read (when I make them).
The cute “Be Afraid” vinyl stickers with bats, I picked up at all places, Kroger’s, for only $4.99 for the entire set.
I already had the other decorations. I picked them all up at Walmart last year.
The Entertainment center has a few surprises too! Again……. more Skulls…..
(Further Away Look)
(Left Side)
Can’t forget the legs of whatever my house “fell” on. Would it be creepy to put some ruby red slippers on the feet? Pretty sure my children would forever be scarred and never be able to watch The Wizard of OZ again. 😉 *I might do it!
My coffee center never looked so festive.
Bats, Spiders and All!
However, I do have to admit that I have been a little slack on the housecleaning as of lately.
I’ll have to work on that.
*By the way, if you guessed 5 Skulls, you got it right!*
Did you miss the one on the tombstone in the entertainment center? I almost did!

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