Crazy Lady
Guess what happened on Mother’s Day?
Aint no party, like a Wall Family Party , ’til a crazy lady comes out to play!
That’s right!
How was your Mother’s Day? Did you have your family over?
Did you go to your own Mother’s house and spend time with her and tell her how much you loved her?
Did you travel out of town to do that? You did?
Me too!
I love my Mommy very much! So much that I travelled 3 hours to get to her to my hometown of Raleigh.
Did I mention how much I love Myrtle Beach now? Not to say I dislike Raleigh……… that much. LOL!
You see, it’s just because I was reminded of how CRAZY Raleigh can be when I visited.
Now I know every city and town has their own kind of Crazies running around. I know this.
However, I didn’t even have to leave my parent’s doorstep to see the next Showtime for the Crazies in Raleigh.
Would you like to hear the story? You would! Ok, let me clear my throat.
In fact, I’m not going to just tell you the story…… No way! Instead, I think I will tell a poem.
Here it goes.
To Mom on Mother’s Day:
Mom, we love you so much, this you can plainly see,
We fixed you ribs, yummy desserts, and even homemade sweet tea.
We all gathered in your honor to rejoice and give thanks,
‘Til a crazy lady showed up next door to bust in and break thangs!
Her eyes were red with rage, she was barefoot and all sweaty,
But we didn’t pay much attention to her until she pulled out her BIG FAT MACHETE!
So daddy got “ole trusty” and even though it was dusty, starting waving it around in the air,
Things started to shatter and we were all lookin at her when she decided to come out of there.
Daddy yelled “Call the Cops!” cause I’m gonna shoot me somebody if that crazy lady comes over here!
She took off in her little red coupe and high taled it out of there, I’m guessing purely just out of fear.
So the cops showed up, about seven or so,
They asked us what she looked like and asked “which way did she go?”
Then they called CCBI up in there and hung around a little bit longer,
See, there was a real bad smell coming from in there and it was getting a whole lot stronger!
Not sure what they saw in there or if they ever found that lady,
I’m not one to talk, but if you ask me, it all looks shady!
Whether she left because she was done or because my daddy was waiving his gun, I guess we won’t ever be quite sure,
I guess the bottom line to the story is even though my parent’s street is crazy, one thing it will never be is a bore.
Happy Belated Mother’s Day!

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