Master Bedroom
I have been wanting to do a post for a while about my Master Bedroom.
It took a little while longer than I wanted to complete it and I really shouldn’t even call it complete yet.
I still need to get my curtains up, but I just couldn’t wait any longer.
The reason for this is because I went totally different than I normally would with the paint color.
I wanted something “Sultry” for the Master.
Z told me that if I said that word one more time, he was going to Puke!
Hey! Can’t a girl dream?
It’s always nice to know his Flame still burns for me????…..
Anyway, I know it’s not complete yet.
I haven’t put anything on the walls besides the TV. (Had to have the TV!)
The light coming through the windows is actually lightening up the color in the picture above.
It’s actually darker than the picture really shows.
We painted the wall, crown, and ceiling all different colors.
A lot of times, people forget about “the fifth wall”. (That is what they call the ceiling)
What most do not realize is how much it can do for a room when you choose to paint the ceiling.
It can either cozy up really high ceilings or it can just make such a bold statement.
You can either use a flat paint which will cover easier, or you can go with an Eggshell.
Eggshell will reflect the light really well on a sunny day, but it is harder to work with and will show any flaws you have in the ceiling.
For a DIYer, it’s best to go with flat.
I thought it best to give the man of the house the masculine dresser and just to make sure he knows which one is his,
I marked it with his initial.
You can never be too careful about these things.
Ahhhhh! Refreshing white is mine.
I love that dresser!
One always needs a fan humming at night to block out the snores of their mate and pooch!
I loooooove these pillows I picked up at Homegoods.
This is my beloved Chandelier. I drooled over this one for months before I actually pulled the trigger on it.
It is considered a “Champagne Bronze” and has glass pearls cascading down it, which I bought at The Home Depot.
I’m really excited because I just picked up the matching flush mount and the mini versions of it
for my Master Bath and Closet. ( I’ll show in a later post)
Here is another angle of it in the mirror’s reflection. I bought the mirror at Homegoods also a little while ago for only $29.
Here is another angle of the wall colors. It gives a little more accurate idea of the shade.
I will ALWAYS display my boots because I wuv them so much .
This is the view from the Master Bath, which should really be called “The Community Bath” instead.
I mean, let’s be honest here…..
Not until my children move out, will it ever truely be a Master Bath for just us.
Here is a link to the Wall Colors so you can check them out for your self:
*Keep in mind, that not all colors look the same online as they would on a wall.*
Wall – Wolf Gray by Benjamin Moore
Ceiling – Metropolitan by Benjamin Moore
Crown – Bright White (High Gloss) *Ask your paint salesman for a true Bright White (Most paint stores have a tendency to “gray” their whites)
*We used an Eggshell Paint which Z prefers to use for interiors.
If you have any questions regarding which paint to purchase for you next home project, email me and I will be more than happy to answer any questions you might have.
I’ll even ask “the expert”. ( Z )
Until Next Time…..

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