Belles of the Ball
A Day in Southport
A couple of weeks ago, we decided to run up to Southport for the day.
I was astonished to realize that I only lived 1 HOUR AWAY from the most beautiful place on EARTH! (*Can you tell I liked it?)
I’m not gonna lie. I might have gotten the Safe Haven movie as a present for Mother’s Day and I may just have a thing for Nicholas Sparks books.
That may or may not have been my motivation for going to Southport, but man am I glad that I went and man am I glad that it is so close!
Did I mention how beautiful it is there??? It has to be one of the most beautiful Southern Coastal Towns.
I just have to tell you this first. When I first moved to the Myrtle Beach area, I thought (in my romantic movie little head) that I was going to find this perfect little Coastal home with a slight Historical architectural feel to it. Then I moved to Myrtle Beach and quickly realized that dream WASN’T going to happen. Don’t get me wrong, I really love it here. However, I am a lover of homes.
I spend most of my time in my home.
I work out of my home.
I do pretty much everything in my home.
I could find that kind of home if I went more inland, but then it wouldn’t really be considered coastal and well, this isn’t a perfect world and we need to be closer to the beach for my hubby’s work.
So, back to Southport.
I WILL be retiring here one day. I’m just going to go ahead and put it out there. I am even going to start a penny jar now to start saving. Though, I have a strong feeling that penny jar will have to be more like a dollar saving jar.
We used to vacation on Ocracoke Island when I was growing up. In case you aren’t familiar with it, it is a small island off The Outer Banks. I love that place. Most of the island has newer homes, but there is still a small area where you see some homes like these.
Rooted in their history, just unwilling to give way to the newer, prettier ones. However, in my opinion, these are still the Belles of the Ball.
With their faces cloaked in a shade of Majestic Live Oaks draped with Spanish Moss, their beauty is like no other.
While most of them date back to the early 1900’s….. a few go back as far as the late 1800’s. I can’t help but wonder what a day in the life of a young girl would be back then who may have lived there?
There are so many little shops there, but I will have to be patient because when you decide to take your 3 babies with you when you go, the only thing they are interested in is the Toy Shop on the Corner and maybe the Candy Store in the back of the Christmas Shoppe. 🙂
That’s ok. I don’t mind it.
We were able to get plenty of walking in. The waterfront is right on the Cape Fear River, so we saw plenty of boats going by. I can’t wait to take our boat down there soon! You can pull right up to a lot of the restaurants on the water, so here is to hoping that we don’t take the dock out with us when we arrive! * We are “Rookie Boaters”, but learning fast. 😉
The kids are always competing with each other. I can’t imagine where they get that from???????
This one can be a little mischievous, so when I saw him holding his hands up, I had to make sure he wasn’t doing anything crazy…….
Thankfully, he was only trying to fly.
Did I mention the paparazzi around here is AWFUL??? 😉 Man! I heart that little boy!
I spoke with one of the locals at the Restaurant we ate at and she said that The Safe Haven movie filmed the Restaurant scenes here. However, it is really only a bar and not a full Restaurant like they portray it in the movie.
I figure when I become a millionaire or gazillionaire, I will just go and buy one of each of these houses. That’s doable, right?
I can even buy this one and put Z there when he misbehaves. Now that my friends, SOUNDS LIKE A PLAN! 😉
I find it only fitting since at one time this was the County Jail.
I’m just sayin…….
This weekend, if you really don’t have any plans, why not take a day and explore the area around you? You might just be pleasantly surprised by what you may find….

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