Showing Hospitality Towards Others: Veggie Garden Baskets
This is going to be a different kind of post….. well sort of. As you know, I love to blog about all kinds of things. Decorating, cooking, my “babies”. I don’t usually talk about my faith or mention God a lot, but lately, I have felt a tug on my heart to mention him more in the posts that I share.
Now, that doesn’t mean I’m going to go all “Bible” on y’all. I wouldn’t dream of doing that!……. OR WOULD I? 😉
I mentioned before in a previous post about being Hospitable towards others. We are called to do this and I believe it is truly good for someone’s soul to show hospitality towards others. It is a natural thing to want to show others kindness. Showing hospitality is a kissin cousin of kindness.
Think about it!
Doesn’t it make you happy to see the smile on someone’s face when you give them a gift? It’s a joyous feeling when you truly see the look of excitement from them. The fact that you would take the time to think of them and make them feel special makes their heart so full.
Well, we have been blessed this year with a Crazy Growing…..Wild Looking……. (Like it is on Steroids)……. Garden.
We have veggies coming off left and right. As we sat there admiring the fruits of our labors, we thought to ourselves…..” There is no way we will ever eat all of this ourselves!”
Then, for a second (AND I MEAN SPLIT SECOND), we thought we could.
Then we thought about the MASSIVE 5 day bellyache that may cause.
Then, we had an idea!
Why not bless our friends and family like God has blessed us this Summer?
I thought this would be a great opportunity to show my BABIES how to show that same hospitality towards others…..
So, we grabbed our baskets….
Some ribbon, and cards and got movin.
We stuffed them full of goodies….
Added a quick note….
Plus a little tag secured by the ribbon. “Veggie-Blessed” was the best I could come up with. DONT JUDGE ME! LOL!
Then we took off and made our stops.
I loved the sheer excitement on my babies faces when they got to deliver the baskets to our friends. Some were home and some were not. I don’t know…… There is something fun about leaving goodies for your friends on their doorsteps. Thinking about the look on their faces when they see the gift that was left for them.
*SIDE NOTE: Make sure that you let them know there is something waiting for them on their doorstep just in case they have a garage. If they are like me, they don’t use their front door as much and might not see it waiting there for them! 😉
They couldn’t wait to run up to the next door!
You know, they say it is better to give than to receive.
When you give,
You DO Receive!
You receive the smiles and the thankfulness that goes along with giving of yourself and your time.
Now I ask you…..
What could be better than that?
“Do not forget to show Hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some have shown Hospitality to Angels without knowing it.”
What ways do you show Hospitality towards others?
Why not try something easy to start off with? Why not try writing a note to someone and ask them how they have been and tell them how much you care about them? Put a stamp on it and stick it in the mail! The gesture will go further than you think!
*Will you be the next to be Veggie-Blessed?
Let’s SEE!

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