Looking Back
Today was the last day of school for my two little girls and that got me thinking.
Most usually reflect on the previous year around New Year’s. However, since it is me, and since I do most things backwards, and since it is the end of the school year, I thought I would do my looking back now.
While I was doing this, I started to walk into the kitchen (to get a snack no doubt) and passed one of my favorite pieces of wall art I have on my wall.
(*Sidenote: I got this for a steal at Homegoods for $39.99 and even though they no longer have anymore at the store near me, I have seen smaller versions at Bed Bath & Beyond).
I started to think about whether or not we really abide by these rules in my family. After the anxiety subsided, I started to go through them one by one.
I started to feel just a little bit better because I realized that my family is somewhat decent at doing these things on the list.
Except a few…..
This one is a work in progress with my middle child.
This one is a problem with ALL my kids!
This one will turn my face all different shades of RED !!!!! However, come to think of it, I still dont listen to my own parents, so I guess I can’t judge. ANYWAY! Moving on…
I still have a hard time doing this myself, but I’m learning. (Ha! Ha! See?)
Hopefully as my children grow, they will hopefully learn these things are very important.
If not, I figure I can always blame their rude table manners, bad attitudes, unruly behavior, and laziness on their daddy.
He’s a bad influence, you know.

So funny!!! I had to laugh at myself last week when I wore 2 different earrings to a party 🙂
Hilarious Beth!