Getting Organized: Baby Steps
Every year, I say I am going to get organized. I’m not one of those who has to have the Spring Cleaning bug to get me going.
It could be anything. Something I saw online that inspired me or the simple fact that I have too much clutter in my house and I have procrastinated too long about taking care of it.
This was a combination of things this time.
I finally got the entertainment center of my dreams after looking and looking for one. I have this very awkward space in my family room where it needed to go. Everything I liked was either too large or severely too small to fit the space. The one I had there previously was really small and I have always wanted a wall unit, but never had a home with a space for one.
Is it not Glorious?????
The coolest part about it is it expands. I mean, WHAT!
That is the only way I was able to find something to fit the space. If you look closely at the middle console, you can tell.
Now that I had my wall unit, I had to figure out what to do with the previous entertainment center. I didn’t in anyway want to sell it or get rid of it. I wanted to reuse it somewhere else in my house.
I decided to put it in the foyer and use it for a “kid center”. Before, my little ones would go upstairs to the bonus room and “do crafts”. By “doing crafts”, I mean tearing up the whole entire upstairs and leaving all the mess for me. This usually goes unseen for a week because I do not frequently visit the upstairs. Have you ever seen a mess from kids that has accumulated over a week? Let me just tell you………. It ain’t pretty!
So, I decided that the “kid center” would house their art supplies or should I say, “doing crafts” supplies. ………. AND it would be DOWNSTAIRS…….. where I could keep an eye on it.
I haven’t finished yet, but
here is what I have done so far:
I took a simple wash basin bucket, which was just a plain white……. which I didn’t really like.
Took some spray paint. I had bought this spray paint a while ago and forgot I had it in my storage closet. It is a gray spray paint that goes well on plastic.
I made sure to keep it back about a foot and spray in a back and forward motion so that it wouldn’t puddle and run. (*according to the painter’s directions. the painter also known as the “hubster” or “the Zman”.)
Then, I made some labels on my laptop, printed them off, and laminated them. (*I always knew that thing would come in handy at some point!)
I made one for Paper………
One for scissors, glue, and tape……….
And one for crayons, markers, and colored pencils. Then, I remembered that I had this really handy little cutting tool from my scrapbooking days that rounds the corners of pointed edges, so I used that for the labels.
Then, I just stuck them on the front with tape.
I’m still not done with the “kid center”. I know it is a process.
I have a space for their reading books and all the buckets for their crafts.
Hopefully, I will come up with some really cool ideas that I can share with you and update soon! 🙂
Baby Steps……. Baby Steps……… I’ll get there!
Do you have something like this in your home? What kinds of things do you keep there?

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